Thursday 8 November 2012

Hel-Mo is it Mo you're looking for??

This is the second of the Movember series. All offers welcome. Remember its all for a great cause.

Friday 2 November 2012

Movember Portrait Series

MOVEMBER BEGINS! Online Art Auction....

Ever wanted an original painting of your favourite hairy lipped celebrity or cult icon?

As some of us have inabilitly to successfully grow a monsterous tash without being worried about stepping out
in a strong wind in fear of it being blown away.

I have decided to take a new angle if raising money for male health issues,

Im going to paint a series of famous tashes that you lucky few can buy and all the dosh goes to help us lads that may unfortunately incounter a tainted testicle, or help some of us overcome the inability to multi task.

So if you have a specific portrait you would love to hang on your hairless walls, commisions are more that welcome, or if any of you arty types want to get involved and raise some more cash with a tash gimme a hairy hola!

First Painting is the one and only Mr Carlos Santana....

Somebody check the insect cabinet i think we're one catipillar short…